NFT.Kred supports the #OwnYourData movement.
Whitelabel NFT Hubs help brands and communities engage their audience in their own branded NFT experiences.
As the owner of an NFT Hub, you have access to data provided by the users on your Hub, including:
- User Data
- Account information, eg:
- Signup date
- Email address (if used to sign up)
- Phone number (if used to sign up)
- Profile details saved in Profile Settings, eg:
- Avatar
- Full name
- Job Title
- Phone Number
- State
- Bio
- Insights into linked accounts, eg:
- Linked Twitter handles
- Linked Facebook user IDs
- Linked Google accounts
- Linked public wallet addresses
- Account information, eg:
- Activity Data
- Number of users
- Sales insights
- NFT insights
This data can be exported as a CSV via your NFT Hub settings or by requesting a report from
NFT.Kred does NOT reveal:
- Your users' passwords or Private Keys
- Your users' financial information (eg bank accounts or credit card information) - This is stored securely by our payment partners.
- Contact information from linked social accounts (eg email addresses associated with linked social accounts)
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