How do I configure end user support options?

Configure custom end user support options on your NFT experience

With the NFT.Kred platform you can configure custom support options to enable users of the site to get help.

  1. From the OneHub admin panel go to the Branding tab
  2. Click on the "More Settings" button
  3. Scroll down the page to the support fields
    1. Enable the Support Form and set an email address that you would like to receive all inquiries
    2. Add an optional support link to redirect the end user to for more info (alternatively you can set up a custom FAQ page live on the NFT.Kred platform in the FAQ tab)
    3. Add an optional support description to describe the link
    4. Add an optional support phone number
    5. Optionally display the business hours of that phone line
  4. Once configured your end users can now request support by clicking the 3 dots in the upper right and selecting the Support option