Users should only see NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content if they are prepared to do so.
NSFW (Not Safe For Work) is a label typically assigned to pornographic, adult, offensive, or otherwise objectionable content that may be offensive to some viewers.
When an NFT is flagged as NSFW, it is natively displayed with a blurred effect, protecting unknowing users from its view.
Should the viewer wish to reveal the blurred content, they can click a button saying "Show Flagged", revealing the standard image or video. (Clicking the button again will reinstate the blurred effect).
*Note that Flagging may be turned on or off by the administrator of a Whitelabel NFT Hub under NFT Features in the Hub's settings.
NFTs may be flagged as NSFW in 2 ways:
- During Minting
When minting an NFT that you believe has NSFW content, check the box next to NSFW under NFT Styles. - By another user
If you see an NFT that contains content you believe should be flagged as NSFW (but is not), you may apply to have it flagged by:- Visiting the NFT profile
- Selecting "Flag NFT" on the right side of the header section
- Choosing the reason for which you think the NFT should be flagged
If your NFT is Flagged
- You will be sent a notification email confirming that the NFT has been flagged
- You can appeal the flag by contacting Support