How to use the email editor?

Customize emails on your NFT Hub

  1. To make changes within the email editor navigate to the Emails section of the admin panel
  2. First you’ll have the ability to edit the address displayed in the email footer as well as the Sender’s Name and From Address

  3. Once you are comfortable with how these are configured you can tab over to the Templates section
  4. Here you’ll be able to switch between emails sent to Hub Admins and the ones sent to End Users
  5. In this panel you can select a template and choose to edit that email template by inline adjusting the Subject, The Email title and Body Text.
  6. Within the body text you can add personalization tokens like a CTA button or CTA link

  7. You’ll also have the ability to edit your default footer or even disable this email all together by toggling off the Enable Template switch.